August Mug Rug

Around here August is Back-to-School month. 

What better way to celebrate than a Mug Rug resembling notebook paper? This would be a great gift for a college bound student, a welcome gift for a teacher or to protect your table from that after school snack!

This is a very simple weave designed to give you more practice with carrying the yarn up the sides as well as reading a draft.

For this pattern you will need 92 yards of worsted weight white cotton yarn and about 4 yards of blue and 6 yards of grey. We will again be warping to a length of 1.5 yards.

Begin by looking at the following draft: The white yarn is represented by pale yellow for visibility.

Remember a couple of patterns ago we talked about variations to the way the pattern may be written out? This pattern is written slightly different than the way we wrote out the June Mug Rug, but the idea is the same. Each block represents one strand of yarn. The lower blocks are the holes and the upper, the slots. If you have not yet done the June pattern, or just need a refresher, you can find the pattern here:

The draft below indicates that you will warp 38 strands of white yarn, followed by 2 strands of blue and then 8 white, for a total of 48 ends.

This is shown by the notation above the draft that reads 19x. This means that there will be one strand of white in the hole and one in the slot, repeated 19 times (38 strands). 

Followed by the blue and then the white again in the amounts indicated.

Don’t forget to join the “Kromski Fun” Facebook Group so you can show us your mug rugs!